Barker Concerns
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Enrolment Steps
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Christian Environment
+61 2 8438 7999
91 Pacific Hwy, Hornsby, NSW, 2077
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About Barker
About Barker
From The Head
Phillip Heath AM is the ninth Head of Barker College.
The Council of Barker College
The School Council provides the School with vision and strategic guidance.
Christian Environment
Barker is an Anglican school.
Employment at Barker
A diverse, vibrant and dynamic professional learning community.
Coeducation at Barker
A fully coeducational school from Pre-K to Year 12.
Academic Care
Recognising, celebrating, and nurturing the uniqueness of every learner.
Indigenous Education
Providing education that is not only of the finest standard, but embodies pride in culture.
Marri Mittigar
A special assistance school for those who are vulnerable and in need.
Round Square School
Caring passionately about what happens in the future to our world.
Barker Institute
In-house research and public events; sharing the rich intellectual resources of Barker.
Our Master Plan
See what Barker is planning for the future.
Our Heritage
A history spanning more than 130 years.
Term Dates
Barker College Term Dates and School Opening Hours.
Book A Tour
Discover all that Barker has to offer on a School tour.
Enrolment Steps
The steps to enrolling your child at Barker.
Applying For A Place
Entry years are Pre-K, Kindergarten, Year 3, 5 and 7.
Enrolment FAQs
It is only natural that you will have a number of questions about the enrolment process.
A variety of scholarships and bursaries are offered each year, covering full or part tuition.
The Barker Uniform
The signature Barker ‘red’ connects the academic uniform with the sporting uniform.
Coeducational boarding from Year 9 - 12.
Fee Schedule
Thank you for considering enrolling your child at Barker.
Travelling to Barker
Barker provides several dedicated bus services across Sydney.
Contact Us
We welcome enquiries about your child's enrolment.
Student Life
Student Life
Junior School
A focus on the wellbeing of the whole student; the academic, personal and social.
Middle School
Offering a meaningful, rewarding and fun experience for students in Years 7-9.
Senior School
Encouraging our students to learn and think independently.
A curriculum that values inquiry, thinking and understanding.
House System
Supporting students so that they feel known and valued.
Creating and fostering a caring and positive Christian environment.
A dynamic and diverse music program.
Outdoor Education
Challenging and developing the skills of our students.
Barker Robotics
An internationally recognised Robotics program.
Sport is an integral part of life at Barker.
News & Events
Barker Publications
Read the latest issue of The Barker and the Year in Review.
Supporting the future of Barker.
Meet our Alumni and the Old Barker Association (OBA)
Community Groups
An inclusive and welcoming School community.
Discover the Barker Aquatic Centre Learn to Swim and Squad programs.
School Policy
School Policy
Barker College Policies
Anti-Bullying Policy Barker
Complaint Policy
Discipline Policy Barker
Child Protection Policy
Enrolment Policy Barker
Privacy Policy
Indigenous Campuses Policies
Child Protection Policy Darkinjung
Anti-Bullying Policy Darkinjung
Discipline Policy Darkinjung
Complaints Policy Darkinjung