Fee Schedule

Prepayment of Tuition Fees 

Barker College offers families the opportunity to obtain a multi-year prepayment discount on their children’s Tuition Fees.

Families are able to prepay Tuition Fees for their children for two or more years, up to a maximum of six years, with a significant discount on Tuition Fees. Read more about the prepayment of Tuition Fees HERE.

The discount of 1.5% will continue to apply for one-year prepayments. Prepayment for multiple years, up to 6 years in advance, attract a scaling discount of 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% and 12% with sibling discounts of 5% remaining in place.

The above discounts are calculated by first applying an implied annual fee increase equivalent to the most recent fee increase, or a minimum of 2.5%.


A reduction of 5% will apply in the case of each subsequent child attending the School at the same time as his or her older sibling. To be eligible for the reduction, children must be in attendance simultaneously.

Special provision may be made for the children of Anglican Clergy in certain circumstances.


Attention is directed to the necessity of giving the Head of Barker College a full school term's notice in writing of the intention to withdraw a student from the School. In default of such notice, one term's fees will be payable.

Students accepted for boarding places are expected to continue to attend the School as Boarders. Boarders may only become day students with the approval of the Head of Barker College and then only at the end of a School year and after a semester's notice in writing has been provided.

Tuition 2025

Barker College fees are set by the School Council and are reviewed annually.  Fixed fees consist of Tuition, Activity Charge and Technology Level, and Boarding (where applicable).

Year Group Tuition  Activity Charge Technology Levy TOTAL Fixed Fees per Annum  DISCOUNTED TOTAL Fixed Fees per Annum*
Pre-K $27,010 $450 $400 $27,860 $27,455
Kindergarten $29,190 $640 $400 $30,230 $29,792
Year 1  $30,670 $590 $400 $31,660 $31,200
Year 2 $30,670 $1,185 $400 $32,255 $31,795
Year 3 $33,810 $1,620 $480 $35,910 $35,403
Year 4 $34,750 $1,160 $480 $36,390 $35,869
Year 5 $37,090 $1,730 $480 $39,300 $38,744
Year 6 $37,090 $2,110 $480 $39,680 $39,124
Year 7 $40,360 $2,700 $780 $43,840 $43,235
Year 8 $40,360 $2,550 $750 $43,660 $43,055
Year 9 $40,360 $1,970 $750 $43,080 $42,475
Year 10 $42,670 $2,590 $0 $45,260 $44,620
Year 11 $42,670 $440 $0 $43,110 $42,470
Year 12 $42,670 $515 $0 $43,185 $42,545

Boarding Fees 2025

Boarding Fees
(incl GST on food component)
Per Annum Discounted Amt (1.5%)
Payable by 14 Feb, 2025
Years 10 - 12 $37,060 $36,504

* 1.5% discount applied to Tuition and Boarding Fees if paid prior to 14 February 2025 

Student Accident Protection Plan

Forms relating to this plan are available by logging into MyBarker. Parent Portal login details may be obtained from icentral@barker.nsw.edu.au

Payment of Fees

All fees are payable via direct debit using the FACTS payment platform.  Existing parents’ payment plans with FACTS will be rolled over automatically commencing February 2025. New parents will receive information from FACTS in January 2025 on how to set up an account.

Incidentals Charges

Each School term Barker will issue a separate invoice for incidental charges (where applicable), not included in the fixed fees above, such as camping gear, cadets, photos, subject specific excursions/incursions, Middle School robotics program, etc. These incidental charges will also be collected via FACTS, in a lump sum each term. Parents will be notified by FACTS when these charges are going to be deducted.

Prepayment of Fees

The School has extended its Prepayment of Fees policy for 2025.  Further information is available via this link.