Barker offers a range of scholarships for entry into Year 7 and a limited number of scholarships for entry into Year 10.
Thank-you for your interest in a scholarship at Barker. We expect all our scholars to represent Barker with pride and uphold the School values at all times. The awarding of a scholarship is dependent upon the results from the Barker Scholarship Examination, conducted by Academic Assessment Services, supporting documentation and interview. Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the Head of Barker and the Scholarship Panel.
Information about Barker’s Scholarships can be found here.
Current Scholarship Applications
Toplis Scholarship Year 11 or 12 2026
From the time Ralph Colin Toplis entered National Service in October, 1952, he embodied the spirit of Legacy – i.e., Service. Legacy is an organisation that since 1923 has cared for the dependents of veterans who have died, been severely physically incapacitated and/or are dealing with mental health issues as a result of their service.
Legacy has always believed that the children of veterans regardless of their personal circumstances should have the same opportunities as their peers to reach their true potential.
The establishment of the Ralph Colin Toplis scholarship will allow Legacy to continue to support the children of those who have served. Ralph attended Barker from 1942 to 1950.
This means-tested scholarship will provide the costs of academic tuition, uniforms, textbooks and other education expenses for a Day or Boarding student for Years 11 and 12. (The scholarship does not cover the associated Boarding Fees if the successful applicant is a Boarder)
Scholarship Criteria
The scholarship is to be awarded to a student:
Who may or may not be currently attending the School
Must accept entry to either a Year 11 or Year 12 HSC course at the School; and
Must be a son, daughter, stepson or stepdaughter of a:
- Current or ex serviceman or servicewoman who, under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 (Cth) or any successor legislation, has served in active service;
- A serviceman or servicewoman who died on active service or from a result of active services;
- A current or ex serviceman or servicewoman who has died from causes resulting from service in the Australian Regular Forces, the Citizens Military Forces or the Australian Defense Force Reserves;A current or serviceman or servicewoman who is entitled to the Australian Defence Medal or its equivalent.
The award of this scholarship is subject to the student satisfying Barker’s general requirements for academic entry and/or progress.
All scholarships are subject to annual review but are normally tenable until Year 12, provided that the Scholarship recipient demonstrates continuing satisfactory academic performance, attendance, participation in co-curricular activities, conduct and citizenship.
Scholarship Closing Date
Applications for the Toplis Scholarship will close on the 27 April 2025 at 10:00AM. No late applications will be accepted.
Shortlisted applicants will be notified after the closing date and invited for an interview with a joint panel from Sydney Legacy and Barker College.
Please email for a Scholarship Application.
Upcoming Scholarship Applications
Year 7 2027
Scholarship applications will open in Term 3 2025.
This scholarship test is managed by Academic Assessment Services. They can be contacted on (02) 9904 4933.
Scholarship Frequently Asked Questions
What financial support do the Scholarships provide?
The Scholarships offered are either full or part Scholarships for Academic Tuition only and are awarded at the discretion of the Scholarship Panel. These include up to 100% Year 7 Scholarships, 50% - 100% Music Scholarships, 50% Year 10 Scholarships and the 50% Copeland Scholarship for a current Junior School student.
Do Barker offer full Scholarships?
In Year 7 some full Scholarships are offered at the discretion of the Scholarship Panel. For Year 10, only part Scholarships are offered and their value is again determined by the Scholarship Panel.
Why do I have to pay an Application Fee?
The application fee covers the School’s administrative costs and assessments for the Scholarship program.
Does my child have to sit the academic examination if they are applying for the Music or Co-Curricular Scholarship?
Yes. All applicants for any scholarship must sit the examination.
Does my child need to audition for the Music Scholarship?
Yes, families are requested to upload a video as part of the application process that shows the student playing their chosen instrument or a vocal performance. These submissions will be reviewed by the Music Scholarship Panel who will then make selections for students to be auditioned in person. Not all applicants will be auditioned in person.
What is Barker looking for in Music Scholars?
Barker offers secondary School Music Scholarships to outstanding young musicians who are expected to make a major and ongoing contribution to the school’s extensive music program. Preference is given to players of instruments that can be included in the school’s large ensembles, orchestras and bands. Consideration will also be given to musicians who are excellent pianists/vocalists who are willing to take on instrumental lessons in an ensemble instrument nominated by the school. Similarly, instrumentalists will be invited to join the choir.
What standard of Musical ability is required to apply for a Music Scholarship?
For entry into Year 7, an excellent result in AMEB Grade 4 or its equivalent is the minimum standard.
If my child is successful in gaining a Music Scholarship what are the requirements?
Scholars are expected to enthusiastically participate in the Music program in at least one ensemble, to support their peers and the Music staff and to take Elective Music through to the HSC.
What are Co-curricular Scholarships?
Co-curricular Scholarships cover anything that goes on outside the classroom. Students might be involved in drama, art, public speaking, robotics, sport or any other non-curriculum based activities. Students applying for this Scholarship need to demonstrate a high level of achievement and involvement in their chosen activity.
Can overseas students apply?
Yes, as long as they hold Australian residency. We are not registered to enrol students who require a student visa.
Where can I find more information about the type of Scholarship examination my child will sit on the day?
Barker’s Scholarship Examination is conducted by Academic Assessment Services. Papers from previous examinations are not available, but the online application process does link to explanations of the nature of the examination and practice tests are available to purchase.
By what means do we learn of our child's success, or otherwise?
Barker does not provide a report on your child’s performance in the Scholarship examination. A letter indicating whether you son/daughter has been successful or otherwise will be sent to you by the end of January for Year 7 candidates and the end of May for Year 10 candidates.
How can we best prepare our child for the examination?
The examination assesses acquired knowledge and intellectual ability. Allowing your child to rest well prior to the examination; providing encouragement and not ‘driving’ them in the hope of gaining good results; not overburdening them with unrealistic responsibilities and expectation; all these will assist your child.
What should our child bring on Examination Day?
The Scholarship examinations are conducted online. Students are not able to sit the examination at Barker.